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I was recently told by a friend that my bio was quote 'too serious' and that I should let more of my personality show. But, as I painstakingly explained to her, nobody wants to hear about alcoholic elephants or being press ganged by elves into indentured servitude, or of having to buy one's freedom with Toblerone bars! Keep it serious I say ...that's my motto. So...


I'm Jeremy and I established Blood Moon Games Ltd in January 2019. Blood Moon Games is a small independent games company, located in the North East of England, which specialises in board games, utilising unique game mechanics to maximise playability and enjoyment, and promote reasoning and the development of thinking skills. Our games cover a wide age range with most suitable for players of mixed ages to play together - i.e. ideal for parents to spend time with their children or for older siblings to play with younger ones. 


Where possible, we try to support local illustrators, artists, designers and producers.


All seriousness aside, if you see the elves coming - run!...Oh, and never trust an elephant unless it sneezes on you...and if you get the chance, only store and stack Toblerone bars, never eat just never know when they'll hum in candy...I mean come in handy...

​ over...


Since 2019 we have produced a total of 5 games: Circuitry, float downstreamTri-balism, Trolling Stones, & Oganika Arcanum:Hex16. In 2023 we began our first foray into setting up a stall at games conferences, attending Airecon, UKGE & Tabletop Scotland.


This year we have booked in to: 



















and are intending to crowdfund for another solo game called "A Walk in the Rain" so keep an eye out for that!

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